Listen to the snare and the context of the mix, and notice how much bite it has when I add the SPL Transient Designer in the mix. (music playing) In this example, the Transient Designer helps the snare have a little more bite in the mix without changing its overall tone or character, which a traditional compressor would tend to do.

(music playing) Now, I'll increase and decrease the sustain. As I increase and decrease the attack, listen as the bite of the snare comes and goes, and watch the corresponding output on the oscilloscope. This unit only has two simple controls, attack and sustain, allowing you to increase or decrease the attack or sustain portions of your signal without affecting the other half. The plug-in version I'm using here is modeled after the famous hardware version of the same name. There are quite a few of these in the market now, but the secret weapon that most engineers associate with transient control is the SPL Transient Designer.

This tool is designed to dry out the attack or sustain of a signal without affecting the other parts. While a compressor can draw out the transient's attack, it will also heavily compress the rest of the waveform, altering the decay of the signal in ways we may not want. However, envelope shaping with a compressor isn't ideal. Look up transient in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.By harnessing the power of a compressor's attack and release controls, we can achieve some really cool envelope shaping on drum transients, helping to add punch and clarity inside a dense mix. The term transient is used by military sonar operators to describe unexpected sounds emanating from another vessel such as operating machinery, a metal hatch being slammed, or the flooding and pressurization of torpedo or vertical launch tubes. Transients are more difficult to encode with many audio compression algorithms, causing pre-echo. It contains a high degree of non-periodic components and a higher magnitude of high frequencies than the harmonic content of that sound.

Transients do not necessarily directly depend on the frequency of the tone they initiate. In acoustics and audio, a transient is a high amplitude, short-duration sound at the beginning of a waveform that occurs in phenomena such as musical sounds, noises or speech.